Trump Signs Federal Hiring Frozen Effective Immediately

For those looking to find a job in government this year, sorry, hit the bricks.

Today, President Trump signed an executive order freezing all non-military hiring within the federal government.

The move was not unexpected, as Donald Trump had announced his intent in November of last year.

Past administrations, most notably Ronald Reagan’s administration, froze federal hiring upon taking office.

The federal government employs a bit over 2 million Americans and another 3.7 million people remain on contract with the government.

There are also 1.58 million people employed through federal grants and .49 million employed by the U.S. Postal Service.

As of this writing, the executive order is not yet public and it is unclear if the order includes a freeze in hiring new contractors.

A search conducted on the federal government’s hiring site, showed 1797 positions open in Virginia and Washington, D.C. alone with salaries as high as $400,000 per year.

The lowest paying, non-volunteer position available was for a Custodial position that pays up to $9.29 per hour.

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He likes hunting, dogs, and supports the troops at home and abroad.