Trump’s EPA Under Attack By Taxpayer Funded PBS

Scott Pruitt
Let's defund the Partisan Broadcasting Service (PBS)...

The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), recently released yat another documentary deeply critical of Trump’s Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) head, Scott Pruitt. The Frontline Documentary, entitled “War on The EPA,” paints Pruitt as an environment-destroying pawn of big oil interests.

PBS’s documentary was heartily praised by radical environmental groups like the Sierra Club, but this should come as no surprise, since it relied heavily on Obama-era EPA officials and numerous other radical climate extremists. Gina McCarthy, Obama’s EPA Administrator, who oversaw the systemic destruction of the coal industry in red states – which resulted in mass unemployment and destitution across huge swaths of rural America – was a prime contributor to PBS’s partisan report.

The Frontline Documentary also interviewed Betsy Southerland, a recently retired EPA Director, who resigned in protest to the Trump Administration’s proposed budget cuts to the EPA. In her published retirement letter, she accused the Trump Administration of destroying the environment, and advancing policies that could destroy the entire world.

In the documentary Southerland declares that Trump’s EPA is a, “clear and present danger to public health and safety in this country.”

The documentary also slanders the numerous critics of the Obama-era EPA’s policies as, “climate deniers” pursing a dangerously “extreme,” agenda. The PBS narrator referred to GOP Senator James Inhofe as “the Senate’s leading climate change denier” and features a journalist with the New Yorker, Jane Mayer, calling the Trump EPA “radical.”

“What you see now in the Trump administration is the triumph of the anti-environmental movement,” Mayer, in the documentary says. “They are now in control of the government and in control of the regulatory process in a kind of a brazen way we haven’t seen before.”

The Obama administration alumni are portrayed as champions of environmental purity, while the documentary takes pains to tell readers that the Trump Administration is destroying the entire world.

In her interview for the partisan program, Gina McCarthy lamented the recent repeal of Obama’s “Clean Power Plan”, which was blocked by the Supreme Court earlier and could have been the killing blow to American coal, was extremely “disturbing.”

Eric Schaeffer, also a former EPA director of the civil enforcement, called Pruitt’s EPA a “hostile takeover” and a “political operation.”

Naturally, PBS does not include clips in the documentary of Obama and Hillary Clinton discussing the coal industry. Where Obama said, “Electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket” under his cap and trade plan, or while Clinton boasted during a debate, “We are going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.”

Your taxpayer dollars at work – justifying, and even celebrating, the destruction of millions of American jobs and livelihoods under the Obama Administration.

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Adam Campbell is a former military brat, who grew up all over the world--but considers Milwaukee, WI, where he and his wife currently live, to be his home. He enjoys reporting the real news, without bias.