President Donald Trump is winning so fast, I can’t even write columns fast enough to keep up with all his winning!
Yet there are still many among us with little faith. Trump proves them wrong every hour of every day.
This past Sunday night, I saw the stock markets, crypto markets and gold markets around the world crashing. All because Trump had just started “trade wars.”
I laughed. Because these wars remind me of the U.S. military against Saddam Hussein and Iraq in Operation Desert Storm. We won that war in two weeks, while killing potentially up to 200,000 of Iraq’s forces. It was like shooting fish in a barrel.
That’s what this “trade war” will be like with Trump in charge. The rest of the world doesn’t have a chance.
So, on Sunday night I began to write a column about what fools these traders and investors are on Wall Street and around the world. “Oh, ye of little faith.”
I started to write on Sunday night at midnight that now is not the time to sell. Now is the time to buy, buy and buy some more of U.S. investments — stocks, Bitcoin, gold, energy, real estate. Buy it all. Because Trump is about to win these “trade wars” quickly and make America prosperous again.
And secure the border to save our children’s lives in the bargain.
I wrote about half the commentary and then went to bed. I planned to get up early on Monday morning to finish it. But before I could finish this column, in a matter of hours, Trump has already won trade wars all over the world. Just like that. In a matter of hours.
That’s how it works when you hold all the cards!
Democrats and RINO Republicans are so stupid, foolish and cowardly that they have never understood America holds all the cards. We are the economic elephant in any room. We buy all the world’s goods. We are the richest nation in the world — by a mile. We buy everything from everyone.
What’s a business without customers? The answer is BANKRUPT.
Without American consumers buying, the whole world goes broke. We hold all the cards. We are the bully on Broad Street.
What part of that don’t you understand?
How does any other country negotiate, or punish America, when our consumers buy everything they make? Take away our sales, and not only will your economy collapse but the unemployed citizens of your country will revolt and overthrow your government.
That’s why Trump is brilliant. He understands business, economic power and how to use it.
And he understands we hold all the cards.
Which means … of course short-term there could be some pain. China may threaten to fight back. But long-term, we can’t lose. Without our business, their economies and governments will collapse. We know it, and they know it.
Democrats and RINO Republicans are either so dumb and clueless, such pathetic weak fools that they never understood that, or … they’re playing for the other side.
I personally believe most of our U.S. political leaders and government officials are bribed and/or blackmailed or both. They make $170,000 a year …
PLUS, all they can steal.
They’re all on the take from multinational corporations and Big Pharma and foreign countries like China, Iran and the Mexican drug cartels. Our elected political leaders and unelected officials are all getting filthy rich by selling us down the river. They each have millions, or tens of millions, in offshore bank accounts. That’s why they’re always voting against America’s best interests. They’ve sold out America.
So, let me educate you about Trump’s tariffs. It’s very simple.
Trump is asking countries around the world to play nice, secure our border, take back their citizens who illegally broke into our country and stop taking advantage of our country economically. They can cooperate, or if not, they can commit economic suicide. It’s that simple.Before I could explain how easily Trump will win all these trade wars …
Overnight, Trump defeated Mexico. They will install 10,000 Mexican troops at the border.
Trump defeated Panama. They will end their deal with China over the Panama Canal.
Then, by Monday afternoon, Canada blinked, too. Canada will send 10,000 troops to our northern border and create a “fentanyl czar.”
By Monday night, we had cut a deal with El Salvador. They’ve agreed to not only take back all their illegal immigrants in the U.S., but they’ve also agreed to take our own worst criminals, too.
Next, Denmark blinked. Denmark announced they’re ready to allow the U.S. military to expand its bases and troops in Greenland. The power of Trump.
Then, Trump told Ukraine if they want more money, they have to give us their rare earth minerals.
Pinch me, wake me up, this must be a dream!
Soon you will see China blink. They have no choice. America’s consumers buy everything China makes. We hold all the cards.
Here’s how I believe it all plays out:
Trump wins this “trade war” quickly, and instead of huge tariffs, he puts lower tariffs (5% to 10%) on every country’s goods and services. That tariff money flows into the USA. It replaces taxes paid by American taxpayers — by you and me!
Then, Trump can either dramatically lower taxes or end income taxes and eliminate the IRS. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Trump is a genius.
The days of America being stupid are officially over. This is the greatest win-win in history.
Trump is about to make America (and the American people) prosperous again.
That’s why now is the time to invest in America. The golden era of Trump has begun. With Trump in charge, it pays to bet on America!
There’s only one problem for me: Trump keeps winning faster than I can write about it!