Video: Media Caught Misleading America On Trump


The New York Times decided to publish a hit piece on Donald Trump, but at least one of the women interviewed for the article was completely misquoted.

It is no surprise that Donald Trump has taken a lashing in the media, but it is the constant misquoting that is changing the narrative on Trump. Fortunately, he fights back hard.

Normally it is Trump that is misquoted, but now the media is even misquoting people who know Donald to make sure the spin stays negative.

Here is an interview on Fox News with Rowanne Brewer Lane as she exposed the New York Times‘ bias against Donald Trump and how she was unfairly portrayed.

The way that Donald Trump has been treated in the national media is a disgrace and it makes it so hard for Americans to make an informed decision when they vote.

Do you think that the media has treated Donald Trump unfairly? Let us know in the comments.

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Morgan is a freelance writer for a variety of publications covering popular culture, societal behavior and the political influences of each.