Weiner Exposed Again, This Time He’s Going Down


Anthony Weiner, the infamous former New York Congressman that likes to expose himself through text is in big trouble for this one.

A fifteen-year old girl has now gone public about Anthony’s wiener pictures, and he could be looking at some serious charges.

Up until now, Anthony Weiner has been classified as an idiot. He has been caught sending lewd photos and comments to women at least four different times and he has admitted to more.

The last shoe to drop was the picture of Anthony’s bulging underwear while he was laying next to his sleeping son. It was weird, but not illegal.

Because of the underwear shot, the 15-year-old went public with the information.

Now the NYPD Special Victims Unit is looking into the latest scandal for soon to be divorced husband of Hillary Clinton’s top aides.

Anthony has been an embarrassment for a long time, but if the allegations are true then Weiner could spend some time in jail.

The investigation is just starting and there is going to be a lot of texts and emails while they look into the underage case.

Thinking about what investigators will find is scarier than what we already know what Anthony Weiner and even that is too much.

Anthony’s fall from grace happened quick and after his last failed attempt to win as the Mayor of New York, it is almost certain that he will never be in politics again.

What do you think about Anthony Weiner? Let us know in the comments below.

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Adam Campbell is a former military brat, who grew up all over the world--but considers Milwaukee, WI, where he and his wife currently live, to be his home. He enjoys reporting the real news, without bias.