Wendy Davis Channels Hillary Clinton In Election Confession

Wendy Davis
Maybe running as the "free abortions for everyone" candidate isn't the best strategy in TEXAS!

Texas Democrat, and failed gubernatorial candidate, Wendy Davis, announced that she will be making another run at elected office. In a recent article, she also sought to explain her humiliating loss to Greg Abbott in 2014, by channeling Hillary Clinton.

In her article for Cosmopolitan, Davis talked about how she “came back stronger after losing” the Texas governor’s race in  2014, by a decisively humiliating 20 point margin.

“Most people know about my gubernatorial loss, but I also lost my first ever race: for my local city council. I was 33. I worked so hard on that race,” Davis recalled.

“I’m trying to figure out when I should put myself back out there, and when will the electoral climate in Texas be right for me. I want to serve this state. I see so much that needs to be done, and I want to play a role in helping making it happen. So I’ll keep asking myself these important questions until I figure it out.”

She went on to confess that she turned to drinking following her humiliating, and very public defeat. “We were either going to be celebrating and having some margaritas or we were going to be crying in our margaritas,” Davis wrote. “That whole trip, my daughters just conveyed their pride in me. And then they made sure I had something with alcohol in it in my hand pretty much the whole time.”

However – and shockingly – this Democratic politician has some self-awareness. Davis admitted that she defined herself in her 2014 campaign as a radically pro-abortion candidate. She was called, and embraced the name given to her by her opponents, “abortion Barbie,” for her strident insistence on legalizing abortions at any stage of gestation, and for any reason whatsoever.

Texas citizens roundly rejected Davis for her radical pro-abortion views. She explained, ” I never wanted to shy away from [the pro-abortion message] —that was absolutely a very important part of who I am and what I stand for—but I didn’t ever really get beyond that with a lot of people,” she added.

“My Republican opponents took advantage of that,” she wrote. “It was not by accident, it was very strategic that they began referring to me as ‘Abortion Barbie.'”

Comparing Clinton’s loss to her loss, Davis wrote, “When I think about [Clinton’s] loss—which, to be honest, I felt more deeply than either of my two political losses just because the stakes were so high—I know that she’s inspired so many people to continue to fight on behalf of the things she was championing. Even though she and Bernie Sanders both lost their races, he in the primary and she in the general election, they still keep inspiring people all over the country — their values were lifted up.”

Back in March, Davis made waves by claiming that the only reason Clinton lost in 2016 was because of a, “misogynistic climate, against a candidate who had exhibited tremendous sexism and misogyny.”

Fortunately, as long as Democrats like Davis and Clinton categorically refuse to take responsibility for their losses, and continue to browbeat the American people – they will continue to lose elections. Here’s hoping the Democrats never wake up from their fever dream stupor.

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