When Will GOP Leadership Come Out and Say It?

It’s all out in the open now. We have a traitor and figurative suicide bomber in the White House.

No one is even bothering to hide it. President Joe Biden is clearly a suicide bomber, owned by the Chinese Communist Party and the Mexican drug cartel, and put in place to destroy America, American exceptionalism, capitalism and most importantly, the great American middle class.

I learned this plan at Columbia University, Class of ’83, alongside my classmate, future President Barack Obama (who, as far as I know, was never actually seen in any class at Columbia — but that’s a story for another day). The plan we learned at Columbia was called “Cloward-Piven.” The goals of Cloward-Piven were about overwhelming the system, collapsing the U.S. economy, destroying capitalism and turning America into a socialist/communist country.

It’s happening right now — with Biden as the frontman and brain-dead puppet, and Obama as the real president, lurking in the shadows, pulling all the strings.

Except now Obama has updated Cloward-Piven to include open borders and massive inflation to bankrupt the middle class.

First, open borders.

Biden is destroying America by opening its borders to millions of migrants and, worse, criminals from all over the world. This is about bankrupting our country and raising the national debt to levels that overwhelm the system and collapse the economy.

Biden denies this is all about the “great replacement.” But this isn’t about replacing white voters. It’s far worse than that. All American citizens are a threat to Biden’s agenda. This is about replacing all American citizens: white Americans, black Americans and Hispanic Americans. We all need to be replaced, or at the very least overwhelmed and outvoted to usher in a socialist-communist government and economy.

Biden’s actions since day one of his presidency have been open treason. But in just the past few days, he has escalated to levels never thought possible…

–Biden’s Department of Justice actually sued Arizona to block Arizona’s law that requires voters to prove they are U.S. citizens.

–Biden is refusing to arrest, detain or deport migrants convicted of certain crimes and ordered deported by a court of law. This is the hallmark of a communist attack: Courts and laws no longer matter to the Biden administration.

–Biden is making DEPORTED migrants eligible for U.S. citizenship. Yes, I said deported. He doesn’t just want to invite every migrant into our country; Biden wants to also bring back the worst of the worst who’ve already been kicked out.

–Biden is reportedly transporting pregnant migrant minors from Texas shelters to blue states, providing them free abortions.

All of this happened in just the past few days.

Now add in what I call the “inflation pandemic.” This includes the intentional destruction of the oil and energy industry, as well as farmers and the trucking industry. All done to cause massive inflation of gas, home heating oil, groceries and virtually every product brought to market. This is the purposeful bankrupting and destruction of the middle class.

Then, only hours ago, Biden signed an executive order protecting abortion at the federal level — something the U.S. Supreme Court just struck down. No president can overrule the Supreme Court. Biden just knowingly committed a crime against the U.S. Constitution.
They aren’t even hiding it anymore. What does all this tell you?

A) This is a communist takeover of the United States, aided and abetted by open borders and intentional voter fraud.

B) They don’t care who knows. What else could explain why Biden and Democrats don’t care if the entire middle class hates their guts? This is a sign Democrats know elections are rigged and stolen. Your vote no longer matters.

Biden is escalating. This is treason on a grand scale never before imagined in the history of the United States. I believe we have a suicide bomber in the White House out to destroy our country and make our own citizens into serfs and slaves dependent on a tyrannical socialist/communist government.

It’s time to impeach Biden, then remove him on grounds of treason. Then he must be indicted for his crimes against America and the American people.

The trillion-dollar question is: When will the GOP leadership step up and publicly denounce Joe Biden as a traitor?



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