Youth Pastor, Marine Vet Assaulted For Wearing Trump Gear

A vicious brawl broke out near Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame… after an angry mob attacked two Trump supporters.

Singer Joy Villa–who famously wore a custom-made “Make America Great Again” dress to the 2017 Grammys–managed to capture the shocking attack on camera.

Villa explained that she, along with YouTube star and youth pastor Elijah Schaffer, teamed up for a video: to show what it was like to be a Trump supporter out in public in far-left Los Angeles.

Dressed in MAGA hats, they offered tourists a free photo with a Trump cut-out near Trump’s recently-destroyed star.

However, the experiment quickly went off the rails when a Hispanic man approached them and began yelling anti-white racial slurs at the crew. He then turned his attention onto Villa, who is mixed-race, and began screaming “n***er” at her.

Schaffer explained that the man soon left–but came back with a mob of people, including one man who was armed with a large knife.

They soon attacked Schaffer, members of the camera crew, and their bodyguard, Marine veteran Tony Hoffman.

As members of the camera crew lay bleeding on the sidewalk, the crowd began chanting, “F*ck Donald Trump.” The group also stole Schaffer’s $3,000 camera.

Police later found the mob and arrested the attacker, who is likely to face a number of chargers.

Schaffer, however, would rather talk with the suspect than see him thrown in jail. He found the suspect’s mother on Facebook, and reached out to her–saying he would drop the charges if the suspect would appear on his talk show.

“Your son and his friend assaulted my crew and are facing serious charges from the LAPD, including armed assault and armed robbery because they stole my $3,000 camera,” Schaffer wrote. “They are also facing potential hate crime charges for calling my crew the N word and pointing out my security was white before assaulting him. We have serious lawyers in place and willing to push the full extent of the law. However, as his mother I know that you don’t want your boy to get slammed with 15 years in prison for one stupid night. We are willing to drop the charges which are already filed if he agrees to come on our talk show and discuss what happened. Please let me know if he is interested.”

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Candice has almost 20 years of experience reporting for various conservative publications. When she's not writing, she enjoys being outdoors--especially camping, hiking, and hunting. She lives in Harrisburg, PA, with her husband.