GOP’s Top Clinton Investigator Slams Donald Trump

Hillary Clinton
If Godwy can put the Fear of God into Hillary... what damage do you think he could do to Trump?

Trey Gowdy, known as the fearless Chairman on Oversight and Government Reform (OGR), has recently aimed his biting commentary on the Trump Administration, over the ongoing investigation into alleged Russian interference.

Gowdy chastised President Trump directly, demanding, ” When you are innocent, act like it”.

Gowdy hosts have been one of his get-together’s louder protectors of exceptional insight Robert Mueller and has called Trump’s assaults on the Justice Department “not accommodating.”

Congress “is not a job that rewards fairness,” he often tells reporters. “I try to call balls and strikes.”

In an interview with The Hill, Gowdy, denied charge of partisanship at OGH that critics allege. Critics say that, now that Gowdy is not up for reelection, he has been “freed” to be as partisan as he would like.

While Gowdy admitted that it is easy to see the possibility of , “tension between a Republican President and Republican members of the House,” he denied charges of partisanship.

“If you are at all critical of the bureau then you’re attacking law enforcement in today’s political discourse,” he complained. “If you have no curiosity whatsoever as to why [former FBI Director] Jim Comey would send two letters in the throes of a presidential race — that’s what I find amazing.”

“We said this is a unique opportunity for this branch to depoliticize oversight and say this is a branch issue,” Gowdy said.

Gowdy, who additionally sits on the Judiciary and Intelligence Committees as well, is at the intersection of three capable panels exploring the Justice Department in some limit. He as often as possible says the assertions against the division “make him extremely upset,” yet in the background, he has been a controlling power.


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Morgan is a freelance writer for a variety of publications covering popular culture, societal behavior and the political influences of each.